After Agnes leaves, Nathan and Katharine kiss. Finally. Then, cue music to:
14. Closing Sequence
You wanna get out of here?
Uh huh.
Where do you think we can go?
Let's walk.
(A subdued reprise of the opening number. Lights shift to JAY as he somberly enter the common room, alone, and looks around at the mess. After a moment, the music explodes into a full reprise of the opening number.* Everyone except NATHAN, KATHARINE, and AGNES enters excitedly and repeats the choreography from the top of the show. During the reprise, JAY walks around the room, detached, watching everyone numbly but not interacting with them. He does not sing or dance.)
ALL (but JAY)
Here we go again
Time for another college party
Somehow so much happens every night
But nothing ever changes.
The story of the years we spent
Content to just experiment
With friends and freedom in four years of frozen time.
(to himself and the audience, bemused)
How amazing is this?
**After this there's also 15. Curtain Call, but it's just the na na nas and "How-amazing-is-thises, capped with a Here-we-go-again-time-for-another-college-party.