Sunday, August 30, 2009

I need your prayers!

So, yesterday my Oma (that's Dutch for grandmother) suffered a massive stroke. I'm asking that you all pray for her.

Additionally, my aunt has cancer for a second time. Please, pray.

I don't care if you see this years after I post this; God is out of time and will hear your prayers anyway. Please, pray for my Oma and my aunt.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Comedic Drama

I oftentimes like to pretend my life is comically dramatic, like in the awesome show "Pushing Daisies." That was such a great show! Why did it get canceled?

Anyway, my antics, now and then, turn out similar to the show (no, I can't bring dead things back to life). I have even, recently, started hearing Jim Dale's voice in my head, narrating the key points of my life, in the show's style.

It's great.

I'm Also Excited About October 16th

And that's because that is when "Where the Wild Things Are" is set for release. I've had the book since I was a little kid, and I am so freaking pumped about the film!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

September 22nd will be a big day!

Islands have a new album coming out. It will be called "Vapours."
I would post a related link, but couldn't find one clearly advertising the album.

Spiral Beach have a new album being released on the same day. It will be called "The Only Really Thing."

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Characters from The O.C. Who I Hate

I don't understand how I can like a show so much when I hate so many of the characters, but I do.
I've decided to compile a list of all the characters who I hate. They are, in no particular order:

  • Marissa Cooper (How can you not hate her? Although she does have her good moments. But in the coma episode, you see how she ruined Kaitlin's life by not dying.)
  • Jimmy Cooper (At the beginning, he's not that bad, but he keeps making the same stupid mistake. "If you're going to leave again... Don't come back." -Marissa (in one of her good moments.))
  • Rebecca (I don't know her last name)
  • Julie Cooper-Nichol (I don't actually hate her; she's awesome. But I included her because I love to hate her, you know?)
  • Caleb Nichol (What a jerk!)
  • Lindsay whatever (I hate her with her stupid braid and her oboe and her mad-libs and her "Ryan, you're ex-girlfriend is so beautiful. Love my evil dad!")
  • Charlotte what's-her-face ("Now I suggest you leave, because there's only room in this town for one manipulative b****." -Julie Cooper-Nichol)
  • Dean Hess (with his bad haircut and sweater-vests. Ugh.)
  • Taylor Townsend and Summer Roberts (But in both cases, only at first. It didn't take me long to realize how awesome they are!)
  • Luke's brothers (They're really annoying, and they don't even look like twins.)
  • Kaitlin Cooper (That annoying, shop-lifting, drug-...doing teenager really cheesed me off, but she got more bearable once Marissa wasn't around to drag her down.)
  • Veronica Townsend (What a b****-a-roonie-doonie!)
  • Johnny's cousin (I'm sorry, but she's a bit of, for lack of a better word, a ho-bag.)
  • Theresa (I HATE HER SO MUCH! I can't even begin to explain how much I hate her, so let's move on.)
  • Volchok (I don't know if you noticed, but he's actually a really bad actor.)
  • Che (He's an annoying hippie who got Summer kicked out of Brown for stuff he did. He called her a weak gazelle. I only like him when he's in Newport (and with Seth in the surrounding forest). Except, of course, in Alt-World.)
  • Some Girl (You see her for about five seconds in the comic book store after Seth says, "Did you just ask me if there's an X-Men comic based on the movies?" and before she runs out crying. Still, you can't help feeling sorry for her.)

Friday, August 14, 2009


So, my mom has a page-a-day calendar of cookie recipes. Yesterday, the recipe was for Jelly Coconut Squares. That's disgusting. I mean, first of all, jelly does not sound nearly as appetizing as jam, right? And coconuts are absolutely narsty. Yes, that's right: narsty. When I tried to think of something more absolutely repulsive, the only thing I thought of was Jelly Coconut Blasphemy. Yes, using Jelly Coconut to blaspheme against God Most High.

Speaking of which, I saw on a picnic table yesterday, quite unfortunately, two sentences:

"No gods, no master.
Ni dieu, ni maitres."

Not only were they inconsistent with pluralizations, they also neglected to put a necessary accent circonflexe (is that how you spell it?).

But that's not what even got me. It was the lame atheist graffiti. I hate teenagers. They're so stupid and immature. And yes, I do realize I am one of them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Super Awesome Awesome Super Dream Awesome Band Awesome

I have devised a band. It works much the same way as Broken Social Scene, in that all the members are members of other bands, or solo artists. Also, they're all Canadian. There are even some of the same members. Anyway, this is who would be in the band:

Win Butler and Régine Chassagne of The Arcade Fire
Leslie Feist who is Feist
Jim Guthrie and Nicholas Thornburn of Islands and Human Highway
Joel Plaskett of The Joel Plaskett Emergency
Emily Haines of Metric
Kathryn Calder and AC Newman of The New Pornographers
Maddy Wilde and Airick Woodhead of Spiral Beach
Torquil Campbell and Amy Millan of Stars
Sara Quin
and Tegan Quin of Tegan & Sara
Dave Monks of Tokyo Police Club
Liam Corcoran of Two Hours' Traffic
Paul Murphy of Wintersleep

So that's it. That's what it is. If any of the above-mentioned people happen across this, please please please get into contact with the other ones and form this band. I would be eternally grateful.

I think a good band name would be, "A Victim of His Own Demise." See, it sounds ironic, because he's a victim of his own, but it's really not, because it's his demise. Obviously he's a victim of it.


P.S. Eternally.

P.P.S. I'm writing this part On September 12th. Emily, I dearly hope you kept that tiny piece of paper I gave you after your show at Wilfrid Laurier, and you found this. Please, if you do, let me know. I think the result can be as phenomenal as you were tonight!