Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It's time for a great story that validates my awesomeness.

Last semester, in History of Ancient Greece (CL225), Dr. Young mentioned that Cleon was "riding a wave of popularity." As much as I loved her class, I was a bit bored so, naturally, I drew a little picture in my notes of a stick-man (Cleon) surfing on a tidal wave (of popularity).

Last week, while studying for my History of Ancient Rome (CL226) mid-term, I went through my notes for Roman Civ. (CL102) from last year. While flipping through the spiral notebook to find the beginning of my CL102 notes, I happened across something in my notes for Greek Civ. (CL101).

Well, apparently Dr. Schaus also said that Cleon was riding a wave or popularity, because I had drawn the exact same picture in those notes already. I probably even showed it to Jessica last year the same way I showed it to Victoria this year.

Validation of awesomeness? Check.